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What To Do If You Have Been Negligent On Routine Dental Care

What To Do If You Have Been Negligent On Routine Dental Care

Prioritizing routine dental care is necessary for good health. Unfortunately, some people can find it difficult to care properly for their teeth by brushing, flossing, and seeing a dentist on a regular basis. Patients who disregard dental hygiene and professional care need immediate action to prevent dangerous outcomes.In addition to an unsightly smile, failing to…

Are X Rays Part Of Routine Dental Care

Are X-Rays Part Of Routine Dental Care

When patients go for routine dental care, they may or may not have X-rays taken of their mouths. Dentists use these important diagnostic tools to check all layers of the tooth. While a key part of routine care, X-ray imaging may not be taken every visit. Every patient is different, and the recommended frequency for…